April 2014 Newsletter

The Patagonia Area Resource Alliance coordinated comments on the Hermosa Drilling Project Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) with a coalition of organizations that includes Arizona Mining Reform Coalition, Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, Earthworks, and Sky Island Alliance.

Thank you to everyone who submitted comments on the AZ Mining Inc. / Wildcat Silver Hermosa Draft EA!

The next step will be the likely release by the Forest Service of the Final Environmental Assessment and the Draft Decision. The Forest Service estimates the Draft Decision release to occur in June 2014. That will open a 45 day Objection Period. If you commented on the Hermosa exploratory mineral drilling project during a public comment period, you will be eligible to participate in the objection process.

5th Annual EARTHfest Patagonia – Trails Day * Earth Day * Arbor Day

Saturday, April 26, 8 am – 5 pm

Come Celebrate Earth’s beauty and bounty with PARA on Saturday, April 26 at the5th Annual EARTHfest Patagonia Celebration.

Bring family and friends for a day of hiking, biking, walking, birding, learning, adventuring, skill sharing, face painting, food tasting, history relating and lots more natural outdoor and indoor activities and fun for everyone.

PARA will be in the park with Save the Scenic Santa Ritas from 10am-5pm. Come say hello!

Save The Date!

Rosemont Ours Screening and Fundraiser
Saturday, May 17, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Join PARA in a celebration of plants and animals in our sky island region. The evening will begin at 6:30 pm with drinks and desserts at Molly’s Studio Patio followed by a 7:30 pm screening of “Rosemont Ours,” a film of modern dance celebrating the plants and animals of the Santa Rita Mountains.

Rosemont Ours was born in response to the proposed construction of the Rosemont Copper Mine in the Santa Rita Mountains. By “replacing” plants and animals with human beings in reverential and playful ways, the film invites us to consider our role as both stewards and consumers of nature.

PARA will be collecting donations to continue our efforts to stop the multiple mining threats in the Patagonia Mountains. We recognize that the health and economic prosperity of our community is tied deeply to the well-being of the Patagonia Mountains and the Harshaw/Sonoita Creek watershed. They are the source of our drinking water, clean air and the essential features that drive our local economy.

Western Mining Action Network Conference

Through a generous scholarship program, PARA Coordinator Wendy Russell will be attending the Western Mining Action Network (WMAN) conference on May 9-10, 2014 in Anchorage, Alaska. For over a decade WMAN has provided a critical forum for communities facing mining in the United States and Canada.

WMAN is holding its ninth biennial gathering of people from across Canada and the U.S. who share critical perspectives and experiences about mining’s impacts on communities and the environment.

WMAN gatherings provide an excellent venue for information sharing, networking, learning, and strategizing among organizations and individuals working to reduce the negative environmental and social impacts of mining.

Conference participants will have the opportunity to meet a wide array of people working on mining issues from across the continent, increase knowledge and skills, participate in training workshops, engage in large and small group discussions and share stories.

Read: New photos show male jaguar sticks around the Santa Ritas

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