Our Vision and Mission

Home // Who We Are // Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision:

We’ve built our vision on the following ideals:

  1.  The Patagonia Mountains must be protected from the impacts of 21st century industrialized mining;
  2.  The 1872 Mining Law must be rewritten;
  3.  Arizona state laws must eliminate all mining company exemptions.

While not officially part of our vision, we also encourage our community to pro-actively choose to be “naturalized to place.” To understand what this means, read the quote below:

“Being naturalized to place means to live as if this is the land that feeds you, as if these are the streams from which you drink, that build your body and fill your spirit. To become naturalized is to know that your ancestors lie in this ground. Here you will give your gifts and meet your responsibilities. To become naturalized is to live as if your children’s future matters, to take care of the land as if our lives and the lives of all our relatives depend on it. Because they do.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Scientist, decorated professor, mother, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation

Braiding Sweetgrass, p. 214

Our Mission:


  • collaborates with Strategic Partners to protect the water, land and wildlife of the Patagonia Mountains and the Sonoita Creek Watershed from the negative impacts of modern industrialized mining,
  • works to assure that any mining activities meet the highest science-based standards of protection of our region’s natural assets, and 
  • supports the expansion of the nature-based restorative economy that depends on the remarkable biodiversity and cultural heritage of our region.

Our Values:

We formed Patagonia Area Resource Alliance in 2011 as a response to renewed mining interest in the Patagonia Mountains. In all things, we strive to educate and engage the community in Patagonia and surrounding areas about the risks and realities of 21st century mining and promote local sustainable economies.

The areas surrounding Patagonia have a rich cultural heritage that includes ranching, farming, and ecotourism. The town of Patagonia supports a diverse arts community as well. PARA supports sustainable development that maintains or enhances economic opportunities and community wellbeing while protecting and restoring our natural environment and biological wealth.

We aim to prevent increased environmental degradation caused by 21st century industrials mining in order to maintain and preserve our public lands, our drinking water, the air we breathe, and the richness of our local flora and fauna. A thriving community, both now and in the future, depends fully on our ability to generate and maintain Patagonia’s economic and environmental health.

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