Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, PARA has been using Zoom to meet safely with our board, family, friends, and loved ones. We suspect you may be embracing the same technology (or similar programs, like Skype) to stay connected with the world.

Did you know Zoom and Skype offer a trendy feature that allows you to conceal the clutter of home with a cool background image? To spruce up your weekly calls and meetings, here are six photos from the Patagonia region you can download (for free!) to use as a video call background. Not only will you represent a unique area rich in biodiversity and geography, you may also attract questions about Patagonia from your out-of-town friends and family—all of which help garner additional support and interest in the Patagonia Mountains. So if you’ve ever wondered how to bring up PARA’s mission with others, this may be a good segue into the topics of protecting and nurturing our stunning environment!

(Photos © Glen Goodwin. Any images downloaded are for Zoom/Skype use only.)

#1. Sonoita Creek

Get the full resolution photo here: DOWNLOAD

#2. Patagonia Mountains: Pre-Mining

Get the full resolution photo here: DOWNLOAD

#3. Patagonia Mountains: Humboldt Canyon

Get the full resolution photo here: DOWNLOAD

#4. Bobcat Spotted along Sonoita Creek

Get the full resolution photo here: DOWNLOAD

#5. Sunset from Red Mountain Over Baboquivari Peak: Part One

Get the full resolution photo here: DOWNLOAD

#6. Sunset from Red Mountain Over Baboquivari Peak: Part Two

Get the full resolution photo here: DOWNLOAD

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